Quality Armory
A quality gun plugin similar to CrackShot.
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QualityArmory adds guns into Minecraft without affecting the base game. Over 100+ items have been added to the game.
- Adds over 80+ Weapons, and 7+ Ammo Types.
- Does not replace existing items in the game.
- Built-in resoucepack distributor; players will see the guns without you needing to change your server resoucepack.
- Includes an API to allow other plugins to add guns
- Supports 1.9 - 1.16
- 1.8 has partial support-Due to the way this update handled textures, there are currently only 15 guns. More may be added if I can find a work around.
- If LightAPI is installed, guns will have muzzle flashes.
- [Optional] Enabled weapon durability (EnableWeaponDurability in the config.yml)
- Built in shop and crafting table.
- Fully Configurable. (Here's the wiki for all the configurable options: https://www.spigotmc.org/wiki/qualityarmory-config-options-and-settings/)
- /QA give <Gun/Ammo>, gives the player the item if they have permission "qualityarmory.give"
- /QA craft, allows players to be able to craft guns if they have permission "qualityarmory.craft"
- /QA shop, allows players to open up the gun shops if they have permission "qualityarmory.shop"
- /QA reload, reloads all of the values for the plugin.
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Available Versions
- 2.0.11
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