DeluxeHub is the all-in-one hub server solution compacting a large amount of hub essentials into one plugin.
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DeluxeHub is the all-in-one hub server solution compacting a large amount of hub essentials into one plugin.
Hub Essentials
- Scoreboard
- Tablist
- Custom action based announcements
- Launchpads
- Double jump
- Holograms (BETA)
- Anti-World Downloader
- Custom menu creation.
- Custom join items:
- Server selector with a fully customisable GUI (PlaceholderAPI support!)
- Player Hider
- + create your own!
Extra Commands
- /gamemode
- /lockchat
- /clearchat
- /fly
- /setlobby
- /lobby
- /vanish
- Custom commands
- Command Manager to disable commands
Custom Join Events
- Join MOTD
- Join title
- Join sound
- Join firework
- Join/quit messages
- Custom spawn location
World Event Management
- Disable block breaking
- Disable block placement
- Disable block interaction
- Disable fall damage
- Disable void death (teleport to spawn)
- Disable weather change
- Disable item pickup
- Disable item drop
- Disable player PvP
- Disable hunger loss
- Disable mob spawning
- Disable fire spread
- Disable block burning
- Disable death messages
- Disable leaf decay
Chat Management
- Anti-swear
- Command blocker (/pl, /?, etc)
- Chat lock
- Clearchat
About Minehost.io
Minehost.io is a free Minecraft server host. Create a server instantly using any world options you can imagine and play with your friends.
Launch your free server now.Compatible server types
Available Versions
- 3.5.4
- 3.5.3
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